Degraded performance with Virtual VdS Receiver
Incident Report for evalink
Between 18:45 - 20:28 CET our Virtual VdS Receiver generated false supervision failures.

This was caused by a temporary issue in the infrastructure of our provider at around 18:40 CET, which triggered multiple automated database failovers in order to keep the system in a functioning state.

While the rest of the system recovered automatically and quickly, some virtual VdS receivers didn’t recover completely and generated false supervision failures. The alarm transmission was never affected, and all the alarm systems were connected at all times to the receiver, but because the heartbeats weren’t written properly to the database the virtual VdS receiver started generating supervision failures.

This issue is now resolved and a fix has been deployed to prevent a similar issue repeating in the future.
Posted Dec 21, 2023 - 18:45 CET